jueves, 15 de mayo de 2008

DESDE TODOADOPCION - Cuenta del CCAA para realizar un donativo

Cuenta del CCAA para realizar un donativo


Nos acaban de facilitar la cuenta corriente abierta por el CCAA para que las familias que lo deseen puedan realizar su donativo realizando una transferencia en dicha cuenta.
Como el texto está en inglés, resumimos el mismo indicando el número de cuenta y el código swift de la misma:
Nombre del banco: Construction Bank of China, Xinhua Branch
Núm. cuenta: 110 010 146 000 560 58872
Destinatario: China Center of adoption affairs
Un saludo y muchas gracias.

Question: How can we donate for CCAA’s Child-Care Projects?
Answer: We always welcome your kind participation if you are willing to help the orphaned and handicapped children in orphanages in China.
Way to transfer donations:   
1. You can either choose from the projects posted on our website or propose other projects concerning child-care to contribute to. CCAA will, in accordance with donators’ wish, use all the contributions for professional trainings in welfare institutes or designated infrastructure improvement projects.
2. When making the donation, please fax(010-65548874), together with the donation, the Letter of Intent to Contribute (with annotated donated items or project) to Child Care Department of China Center of Adoption Affairs, or indicate “Donation to Child Care Department of China Center of Adoption Affairs” in the remittance bill.  
3. Information of Receiving BankBank Name: Construction Bank of China, Xinhua Branch   Username: China Center of Adoption Affairs  
Account Number: 110 010 146 000 560 58872   
Bank Address: No. 43, Baojia Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
Thank you again for your participation.
Contact Person:
Tie Ling, Liu Yi  
Tel: 010-65548871, 010-65548873   
Fax: 010-65548874  
Email Address: mingtiantl@163.com, liuy_fuyu@sina.com

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